Elderly woman walking in the wood

Our sustainability work

At Careium, we think it’s important to ensure high quality and an environmental approach that benefits society, both locally and globally.

We have certifications in the international standards for quality ISO 9001, environment ISO 14001 and information security ISO 27001. We also support UN’s global goals for sustainable development, and we take selected goals into account in our strategy and day-to-day operations.

You can read more about our sustainability work in our annual report and sustainability report (pages 27-36 and 77-90)

UN global goals UN global goals

Careium's bijdrage aan de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen van de VN

Wij houden in onze strategie en dagelijkse werkzaamheden rekening met geselecteerde doelstellingen.

Older man sitting on a bench Older man sitting on a bench

De maatschappij en het milieu

Wij hebben een milieucertificaat, en onze producten en diensten kunnen een positieve invloed hebben op het milieu en de mensen.

Services to trust

Information security, safe and easy use

Products to trust

User value and product repairability

A responsible business foundation

Employees, supply chain and governance

Recycling and environmental properties

Need help with recycling?