Sikkerhet i hjemmet
Utendørs sikkerhet
Virtuelle kontroller
Mobilapp: i-care® plus
Alarmsentralen hjerte i vår virksomhet. Åpent hela døgnet og ISO 27001 sertifisert. Vi tilbyr også skybasert alarmmottak.
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Mobile trygghetsalarmer
Personlig velferd
Designet med moderne utseende, er Eliza S+ den nyeste versjonen av vår innovative digitale HUB Eliza. Den har et moderne og stilig design for å passe inn i hjemmemiljøet. Eliza S+ er bygget på den samme kraftige versjon som sine forgjengere.
Teknologibasert omsorg
Standarder og retningslinjer
White papers
Listing and the share
Key figures
Financial reports & presentations
Financial calendar
General Meeting
Nomination committee
Board of Directors
Group Management
Media and press
Relation to Careium (this information will facilitate our processing of your request - respond to all options - Careium will process your request, no matter your answers)
Careium will process your request for information and send the reply in print to your address. The same information will also be sent as an electronic data file to a dedicated file transfer service. Access to the data file will be password protected, to protect your personal information. If you do not download the data file, it will be deleted automatically, six months after the date Careium uploaded it. Our response will contain the following information:- Information about personal data relating to you, which may be found in Careium's information system- Internet address ("URL") to the web-based file transfer service, which we use to transfer information in electronic format to you- Password to the data file, as described above- A case number, generated by Careium, linked to your request. This case number must indicate if you later request rectification, deletion or transfer of your personal information If you request more than one excerpt per year, we will charge a fee based on the additional administrative cost incurred to accommodate repeated requests.