Annual General Meeting

The General Meeting is the company's highest decision-making body. At the General Meeting, Careium AB's board of directors and the chair of the board are elected. The company's auditors are also appointed.



Careium Annual General Meeting 2025

Date: Thursday 24 April 2025


The shareholders of Careium AB (publ) reg. no. 559121–5875 (“Careium” or the “Company”) is hereby summoned to the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 24 April 2025 at 13:00 CEST at Sankt Gertrud Konferens, Östergatan 7B, SE-211 25 Malmö

Registration takes place from 12.00 CEST. Before the meeting light snacks and drinks are served. Members of the Board of Directors and executive management are present to answer questions from the shareholders.

In order to attend the Annual General Meeting a person must:

  • be registered in the register of shareholders maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB as per Monday 14 April 2025; and
  • notify its intention to participate in the Annual General Meeting no later than Wednesday 16 April 2025.

Notification of attendance on the Annual General Meeting is made on the Company’s website or via phone +46 (0) 771 24 64 00 weekdays between 09.00 and 16.30 CEST or in writing to Computershare AB, ”Careium AB’s Annual General Meeting”, Gustav III:s Boulevard 34, SE-169 73 Solna ” or by e-mail

When registering, the shareholder should state name, address, social security number or organization number, telephone number and number of possible assistants (maximum two).

Share registered with a nominee

Shareholders whose shares have been registered with a nominee must temporarily register the shares in their own name so that the shareholder is registered in the share register as of the record date 14 April 2025 to have the right to attend the Annual General Meeting. Such registration may be temporary (so-called voting rights registration), and request for such voting rights registration shall be made to the nominee in accordance with the nominee’s routines at such a time in advance as decided by the nominee. Voting rights registrations made no later than the second banking day after 14 April 2024 are taken into account in the presentation of the share register.

Proxy etc:

If shareholders are represented by proxy, a written and dated Power of Attorney signed by the shareholder must be issued for the representative. If the Power of Attorney is issued by a legal entity, a registration certificate or equivalent for the legal entity must be attached. Power of Attorney must not be older than 1 year, unless a longer period is specified in the Power of Attorney (maximum 5 years).

The original Power of Attorney and any proof of registration should be sent to Careium on Computershare AB, ”Careium AB’s Annual General Meeting”, Gustav III:s Boulevard 34, SE-169 73 Solna, or by e- mail: Power of Attorney form is available on the company’s website:

Right of shareholders to request information

The shareholders are reminded of their right to request information according to Chapter. 7. Section 32 of the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551). The Board of Directors and the managing director must, if a shareholder requests it, and the Board considers that it can be done without significant damage to the Company, provide information about, on the one hand, conditions that may affect the assessment of a matter on the agenda, and on the other hand, conditions that may affect the assessment of the Company's or subsidiary's financial situation, partly the Company's relationship with other group companies.