Conducting our daily work with honesty, great personal integrity and respect for others is crucial. Clear guidelines for employees and suppliers alike are provided in our Careium Business Ethics.

The whistleblowing function is mainly intended to deal with suspicion of serious misconduct relating to e.g.:

  • Illegal activities
  • Financial crime or corruption
  • Human rights
  • Serious impact on individual’s life and health
  • Protection of privacy and personal data
  • Environmental protection


During the process of whistleblowing you will remain completely anonymous, unless you voluntarily provide personal information.

Submitted reports will be handled by the managers of HR, Finance and Sustainability. If the report involves one of these roles/individuals or departments that person/role will be excluded.

The whistleblower channel is found here.


Please note

  • Customers: Anyone who wants to make claims or complaints regarding products or services shall primarily use the claims/complaint channels for each country
  • Employees: Comments and remarks about our business, that is not gross misconduct, should be reported to an immediate manager or HR. However, anyone who is not comfortable reporting to either of these may use the whistleblower routine.